425 Magazine: The Neddy Awards Are Celebrating 25 Years of Pacific Northwest Art

Juan Alonso-Rodriguez Barranda Blues 1, 2021.
Photo by Steven Miller

The Museum of History & Industry is commemorating 25 years of Cornish College’s Neddy Awards in June. The Neddy Awards were created in honor of Ned Behnke, a Seattle-based artist who was deaf and taught hearing-impaired students. A new exhibit at the museum will highlight pieces created by past grand prize award recipients based in Washington. Public speaker, writer, and contemporary artist Negarra A. Kudumu curated the show. The collection will be on display daily from June 4 through Sept. 5.

The Neddy Awards Are Celebrating 25 Years of Pacific Northwest Art
by Hailee Wickersham
425 Magazine


Chicago Tribune: 25 Years of the Neddy Artist Award


25 Years of the Neddy